Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL )
Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL) is a law programme designed for both candidates who studied law in their undergraduate degree and those candidates who wish to develop their career in law no matter what subject they gained in their original degrees. The PGDL aims to give students a firm grounding in the principles of law – not just knowledge of the law itself but also (and just as importantly) developing the essential skills of legal analysis, research and presentation. Once completed successfully, the Postgraduate Diploma in Law programme allows graduates to proceed to a master degree (for those who had no qualification for direct entry into master programme) or become legal officers, arbitrators, mediators, corporation secretaries, etc. as the case may be.
Programme Summary
Programmes Informations
Bachelor degree in any relevant field with an average of “C” or a minimum GPA of 2.0
A candidate is supposed to select his/her courses from list offered for the degree of Bachelor of Laws provided that: he/she may not pursue an undergraduate course for purposes of sitting for Main Timed Tests and Annual Examinations in a subject he/she has already taken for the LLB degree though he/she may take an advanced course in that subject by writing advanced papers, and; he/she must choose Jurisprudence and Legal Methods as among of his/her subjects if he/she has not taken it in his/her LL.B. programme. The course shall consist of coursework (for law degree candidates) or examinations (for non-law degree candidate) in approved subjects.
Mr. Gervas Yeyeye | Email: |
Once completed successfully, the Postgraduate Diploma in Law programme allows graduates to proceed to a master degree (for those who had no qualification for direct entry into master programme) or become legal officers, arbitrators, mediators, corporation secretaries etc.
Candidates must satisfy the examiners in three approved courses (the examination may be by coursework and/or examination papers) and a Viva voce (if done by course work), where the examiners so require.