The Open University of Tanzania (OUT) Vice-Chancellor, Professor Elifas Bisanda in his opening remarks to the PhD candidates’ international conference held on 27th February 2019 at the OUT’s Kinondoni temporary headquarters in Dar es Salaam, said there is a need to increase the number of Ph.D. graduates due to their critical need in different sectors in the community.
He noted that due to the development of science, and technology, learning and teaching have changed, thus making individuals and nations change the form of education. Following this observation, he cautioned that those who have studied a Ph.D. over ten or more years ago, they must accept professional change and find out new things that their students can have,” He said.
The OUT’s Director for Post Graduate Studies, Professor Hosea Rwegoshora said the conference is important to scholars who are at the stage of writing their Ph.D. proposals as it offers them a platform where they meet experienced dons who comment on their presented proposals for further improvements.
“This conference among other things aims at building research capacity among Ph.D. students from different universities and creating a network that will help them get acquainted”, Said Prof. Rwegoshora.
The OUT’s Director of Research and Publications, Professor Emmanuel Kigadye said the conference was hosted by the OUT and has linked scholars in Tanzania and beyond, mainly from Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe