Master of Library and Information Management (MLIM)
This programme is designed and developed to build professional skills across the information industry and creates opportunities for specializations in a variety of disciplines.
It is intended for information practitioners who envision working within information-based organizations, non-government organizations, international organizations, and central or local government departments. The programme is committed to carrying out highly effective participatory approaches to managing and solving information management problems in the communities. The programme is committed to carrying out highly effective participatory approaches to managing and solving library and information science problems affecting the industry.
Programme Summary
Programmes Informations
Option One: The minimum requirements for joining this programme:
- Student must, at the time of application, hold a first degree, with at least lower second class or its equivalence in Library and information science.
- A degree in any field with at least lower second class. A possession of a Diploma in Library and information science or its equivalence is an added advantage.
Option Two: Alternative entry routes include:
A Postgraduate Diploma in LIS from a recognized university and a possession of any first degree but should have diploma in Library related studies.
Course code | Course title |
OLM 600 | Fundamentals of Library and Information Management |
OLM 601 | Organization of Knowledge |
OLM 602 | Information and Communication Technology Applications |
OLM 603 | Records Management and Archival Administration |
OLM 604 | Management of Library and Information Centers |
OLM 605 | Research Methodology |
OLM 669 | Master’s Dissertation |
Payments are done per unit where as one-unit costs 180,000 currently. In addition to tuition fee, students will be required to pay other charges like examination fees, essential reference books, stationaries and other related costs for attending practical sessions.
Mr. Ntimi Kasumo
Mobile: 0717995086
The Master of Library and Information Management is designed to meet the needs of labour market and educational needs of recent graduates and professionals in Library and Information science. The program’s curriculum emphasizes the integrated nature that Comprehend basic concepts of Library and Information management and the Understanding and application of user education concepts and practices in information services provision. Therefore, the programme provides the opportunity for career enhancement and/or further graduate studies.
Internal assessment
All courses are examined during the academic year in which they are studied. The assessment consists of six discussion assignments and one term paper for each course which forms the coursework and a three-hour annual examination at the end of the academic year. The coursework contributes 50% while the annual examination contributes 50% to the final grade. More details on assessment regulations are provided in the OUT prospectus.
External examiner
All examinations are usually moderated by external examiners. Also, dissertations are submitted for evaluation to external examiners.