Master of Arts in Literature (MA Lit)-Thesis mode
The MA Literature thesis is a one-of-a-kind research project that requires a candidate to engage with previous theories and research in order to articulate research questions, collect and analyse data, interpret research findings, and eventually produce new knowledge in an academic setting.
MA thesis in literature allows candidates to demonstrate their ability to conduct independent original research. It allows them to hone their research and writing skills, as well as plan and carry out an independent study under the supervision of the professors.
Guideline for preparing a tentative research proposal for registration to a master’s degree by thesis or a PhD degree by the online or traditional method
Title: the applicant should give a clear title of the research topic that will be the basis for deciding on the faculty in which the research will be conducted and guiding the faculty on the search for supervisor(s).
A brief statement of the research problem: under this heading, the applicant should outline the research problem, giving the background to it and its significance.
Brief literature review: the applicant should also give a brief review presenting the principal literature on the problem area, i.e., what has been done on the research problem. He/she should list the preliminary references cited in the text of the statement or tentative research proposal. Authors names should be according to agreed conventions.
Research objectives: the applicant should show the principal objectives of the intended research, outline what gaps of knowledge will be filled through the research, and what advances will be made when the research plan is executed. Provisional hypotheses should be presented if already formulated.
Research methodology: the applicant should briefly indicate the instruments to be used and methods to be adopted in carrying out research.
However, remember that individual postgraduate programmes may have specific requirements, which are not presented here. Therefore, kindly see the details regarding the programmes of your choice at the Open University and related issues in our current University Prospectus, which is available on our website or at the OUT Centre closest to you.
Programme Summary
Programme Informations
The entry qualifications to this master’s programme of The Open University of Tanzania [OUT] are:
- A Bachelor Degree in Literature or in language related programmes or Bachelor of Arts with Education with a GPA of 2.7 and above from the Open University of Tanzania or any other recognized University or academic Institutions offering bachelor degrees worldwide. They should have done at least two core subjects in English Literature
- A relevant bachelor degree or equivalent postgraduate diploma in language with an overall grade of B or above from any other accredited University and Institution worldwide. They should have done at least two core subjects in English literature i.e.
MA Literature by thesis at The Open University of Tanzania is offered by independent research under the supervision of two supervisors appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the faculty in question. A prospective candidate for the MA Literature degree by thesis is required to submit an outline of the subject of study and/or research that he/she proposes to pursue.
No. | Prog. | Local fee TZS. | EAC/SADC USD | Others (USD) |
1 | M.A Lit. | 4,370,000 | 2,440 | 4,220 |
Masters by thesis fees may be paid in lump-sum or four installments: i.e., 30% during registration, 20% during proposal presentation, 30% during the presentation of research findings, and 20% during viva voice.
Mr. Lazaro Charles
An MA Literature student who will graduate in the Masters in Literature programmers will have the academic ability and competence to apply the acquired theories, research skills and knowledge of Literature to critically evaluate and determine the quality and the validity of any Literature materials or research problematic.
Rules governing Submission and Examination of thesis
- At least six months before the thesis is to be presented, a candidate shall give notice, in writing, to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) of the University, submitting a general scope of the work.
- The Senate shall appoint at least two examiners for each thesis, one of whom shall be an external examiner to the University.
- Three copies of every thesis for the degree shall be submitted, and if the degree
- is awarded, two copies of a thesis so submitted shall remain in the keeping of the University to be deposited in the library. A thesis submitted for a degree shall normally have a minimum of 500 pages worthy of publication; it must also include a full list of references to materials, whether published or otherwise used in its preparation.
- A declaration must accompany every thesis submitted for the degree to the satisfaction of the Senate, stating that it has not been submitted before for a degree in this or any other University.
- No thesis shall be accepted which does not make a distinct contribution to the knowledge or understanding of the subject and does not show evidence of originality.
- The candidate shall be required to forward to the University with his/her thesis an abstract thereof comprising not more than 300 words.
- The candidate may submit as a subsidiary matter in support of his/her candidate any printed contribution or contributions to the advancement of knowledge relative to his/her field of research, which he/she may have published independently or conjointly. In the event of a candidate submitting such a subsidiary matter, he/she will be required to state his/her own share in any conjoint work fully.
- The candidate may submit with his/her thesis a list of his/her publications.
- The examiners may require a candidate for the degree to present himself/herself for a viva voice examination on the general field in which the thesis falls as well as on the subject of the thesis itself.
- If the thesis is adequate, but the candidate fails to satisfy the examiners at the oral examination, examiners may recommend to the Senate to permit the candidate to re-present the same thesis and submit himself/herself to a further oral examination within a period not exceeding 18 months.
- A thesis may be re-submitted in the revised or extended form if the examiners recommend it. No rejected thesis might be re-submitted in a revised form unless it was so recommended by the examiners. A thesis recommended for re-submission must be submitted within 18 months.
- The examiners may require the candidate to make minor alterations to the thesis without the requirement to re-submission. Such alterations must be affected within a period of 6 months. If the candidate fails to make the alterations to the satisfaction of the examiners within the specified time, and he/she is not granted an extension of time by the Senate, he/she will be deemed to have failed the examination.
- When a thesis has been accepted by the University, and material from it is published, in whatever form, the acknowledgement shall be made of the fact that this material has been submitted in a thesis approved for the degree of Masters of Arts in Literature of the Open University of Tanzania.
- All submitted theses must pass comply with OUT format, pass plagiarism tests and be error-free.