Faculty of Science, Technology, and Environmental Studies (FSTES)

Prof. Matobola Joel Mihale
Dean of Faculty
about the Faculty
The Faculty of Science, Technology and Environment Studies (FSTES) comprises of three departments offering programmes for Certificate courses, Diploma courses, Bachelor degree, Postgraduate programmes and PhD.The three departments are: Department of Mathematics, Information and Communication Technology, Department of Biological and food science and department of Physical and Environmental Studies.
Faculty information(FSTES)
Departments and Programmes Offered
Non-Degree Programmes
Undergraduate Programmes
Postgraduate Programmes
Non-Degree Programmes
Certificate & Diploma Programmes
Basic Certificate in Computing & Information Technology (NTA Level 4)
Ordinary Diploma in Computer Science (NTA Level 5 and 6)
Ordinary Diploma in Computer Science (NTA Level 5 and 6)
Undergraduate Programmes
- Bachelor of Science General (BSc. Gen.)
- Bachelor of Science with Education (BSc. Edu.)
- Bachelor of Sciences in Energy Resources (BSc. ER)
- Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BSc. Env Studies) with two streams: Science and Management.
- Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
- Bachelor of Science in ICT.
- Bachelor of Science in Data Management.
Postgraduate Programmes
- Master of Environmental Studies (MES) by course work and dissertation with three streams: Science, Management and Health
- Master of Science in Physics (MSc. Physics) – by thesis
- Master of Science in Chemistry (MSc. Chemistry – by thesis
- Master of Science in Human Nutrition (Thesis)
- Master of Science in Food Science (Thesis)
- Master of Science in Biology (Thesis)
- Master of Science in Botany (Thesis)
- Master of Science in Zoology (Thesis)
- Master of Science in Applied biotechnology (Thesis)
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)
- Master of Science in Information Technology Management (MSITM)
- PhD. (ICT)
- PhD. (Human Nutrition)
- PhD. (Food Science)
- PhD – by thesis