Faculty of Law

Dr. Rindstone B. Ezekiel
Dean of Faculty
about the Faculty
Welcome to the Faculty of Law of the Open University of Tanzania in which numerous undergraduate and postgraduate law courses are presented by experienced and highly-regarded law lecturers who use contemporary and innovative e-Learning technologies in teaching and assessment to enhance the students’ learning experiences. The Faculty of Law of the Open University of Tanzania was established in 1995 by The Open University of Tanzania (Establishment of the Faculty of Law) Order No. 39 of 1996. The Faculty has a proud history in providing an excellent education in law. Many of its former staff and alumni have occupied and today still occupy high positions in the judiciary of Tanzania ranging from magistrates, high court judges and justices of the Court of Appeal, State Attorneys, parliament, the executive, academia, and the legal profession and in business. Currently, the Faculty of law hosts a Legal Aid Clinic and total of eight law academic programmes which include One Undergraduate Programme of Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), and seven postgraduate programmes designed for law and non-law graduates to enhance their academic legal knowledge These programmes include: Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL); Masters of Laws in Land Administration and Management (LL.M LAM), Master of Laws in International Trade and Investment Law (LL.M ITIL), Masters of Law in International Criminal Justice (LL.M ICJ), Masters of Law in Information and Communications Technology Law (LL.M ICTL), Master of Laws by (Thesis); and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
Departments and Programmes Offered
- Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL )
- Master of Law in International Trade and Investment Law (LL.M ITIL)
- Master of Law by Thesis (LLM)
- Master of Law in Information and Communication Technology Law (LL.M ICTL)
- Master of Law in International Criminal and Justice (LLM ICJ)
- Master of Laws in Land Administration and management (LL.M LAM)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)