Dr. Edephonce N. Nfuka (PhD)
Director Consultancy and Outreach Services
About DCS
The Directorate of Consultancy Services (DCS) has been set up as provided for in the approved functions and organizational structure of the Open University of Tanzania (OUT) in 2022. It streamlines university-wide consultancy services as part of the University’s core functions. It facilitates realizing strategic objectives as provided for in the OUT rolling strategic plans, specifically on improving the consultancy services. Also, it serves as a catalyst to promote consultancy and outreach engagement for the benefit of individual staff, the University and society as a whole.
Directorate Main Functions
The overall function of the Directorate is to oversee all consultancies and short professional course training to ensure they are done with quality and standards that will continue branding the University.
It is also responsible for promoting consultancy and outreach engagement for the benefit of individual staff, the University and society as a whole.
Also the directorate is responsible in capacity building to OUT staff to enable them be in position to conduct various consultancy activities
University key Area of consultancy Focus.
- Distance and Online Learning.
- Educational Curriculum Development.
- Strategic planning Development.
- Project Management.
- Microsoft Project.
- Digital marketing.
- Accounting and Finance.
- Human Resource Management & Performance management.
- Entrepreneurship and Marketing.
- Small business and business planning.
- Geographical Information System.
- Tourism Management and Planning.
- Sociology and Social work.
- Software Development.
- Monitoring & Evaluation.
- Community Economic Development.
- Assistive Technology to people with disabilities.
- Early Childhood.
- Resource Mobilization.
- Environmental Evaluation
Specific Functions.
A. Undertake the consulting performance gap and baseline analysis, recommend the necessary measures, and take appropriate actions.
B. Identify sources of consultancy and outreach services opportunities and bring them to the attention of consulting units and individual staff.
C. Identify, brand and promote consultancy and outreach service per the market’s demand.
D. Coordinate securing, processing, undertaking and reporting consultancy and outreach services, including short courses.
E. Distribute consultancy income to involved parties (mainly University, OCB and Consultants) as per policy and procedures.
F. Report revenue and expenditure related to consultancy and outreach services.
G. Monitor and evaluate the quality of consultancy and outreach services.
H. Establish and maintain a database of all consultancy & outreach services at the University.
I. Establish and coordinate collaboration and partnership with public, private & development ‘partners’ institutions.
J. Establish and maintain a database of collaborations and partnerships.
K. Work closely with OCB to facilitate the securing, processing, undertaking and reporting of consultancy and outreach services, including short courses.
L. Create competitive and standard bid templates for soliciting consultancy and outreach services in the respective main areas of interest.
M. Establish and maintain a database of staff that undertakes consultancy & outreach services.
N. Undertake the gap analysis and recommend the necessary consultancy capacity building.
O. Awareness and encourage staff to participate in consultancy and outreach services.
P. Develop staff capacity to brand, carry out and report consultancy and outreach services.
Directorate Announcements.
1. OUT Consultancy services Information System (OCSIS)
2. Consultancy Services profile.
3. Short courses training calender
Directorate Units.
1. Consultancy And Outreach Services Unit ( COSU)
Head of Unit: Dr Nasra Kara
Unit Officer: Mr Mwanuzi Babyegeya
2. Capacity Building Unit ( CBU)
Head of Unit: Dr Karol Mrema
Unit Officer: Mr Revoctus Biro