The BBA ED degree Programme is intended to produce professionals in the area of Business administration with education. This programme will prepare professionals for Business administration positions in education sector. It is also aimed to produce teachers who will teach Business administration subjetcs in teachers’ colleges and offer managerial skills in the teaching and learning institutions. Furthermore, it will provide opportunity for participants to acquire knowledge, skills and techniques used to manage both human and non-human resources in educational programs and projects. It will enable learners to design, manage, regulate, monitor, and or evaluate primary and secondary business educational programs and manage school inputs necessary for improving the quality of educational programs.
General Objective
The programme aims at exposing students to knowledge, understanding and skills in pedagogy of various subjects. The programme is further planned to provide basic knowledge of business administration of educational organizations to help teachers understand what is entailed in school administration, and those who might be involved in school administration have a grasp of what is expected of them as school managers and administrators. It is also aimed to produce teachers who will teach business administration subjects in teacher’s colleges, NGOs and other educational institutions. Furthermore, it will provide opportunity for participants to acquire knowledge, skills and techniques used to manage both human and non-human resources in governmental, NGOs, and other private sector organizations that specialize in educational programs and projects. Moreover, the program is aimed at providing background knowledge and skills to those students who are planning for further education in the field of educational business administration.
Programme Summary
Course Name: Bachelor of Business Administration with Education Education (BBA ED)
Course Initials: BBA ED
Duration: 6 years
Total Units: 40 Units
Mode of Deliver: Blended
Programme Informations
Candidates for Social studies will be admitted on the basis of the University regulations, which govern admission process.
There are 18 core courses for each field of study. Each of these courses has two units. The core courses thus accounts for 36 units. An addition of 4 units can be obtained from elective courses opted from various course including their respective departments. A total of 40 units will have to be covered by a student in order to qualify to graduate
OSS 121 | Introduction to Sociology | 2 |
OSS 122 | Introduction to Social Science Research Methods | 2 |
OSS 123 | Classical Sociological Theory | 2 |
OSS 124 | Introduction to social Psychology | 2 |
OSS 125 | Critical thinking and argumentation | 2 |
OCP 100 | Introduction to computer | 1 |
OFP 017 | Communication skills | 1 |
NOTE: After successful completion of all core courses in level I above, a student willbe allowed to choose a specialization from options A, B or C. However, while doing a specialization course of one’s choice, in level II and III, students MUST also do compulsory courses in levels 11 and level III respectively. See the table below on guide to units for BASO students.
OSS 221 | Contemporary Sociological Theory | 2 |
OSS 222 | Social Science Research Methods | 2 |
OSS 223 a | Field Practice I | 1 |
OSS 321 | Sociology of knowledge | 2 |
OSS 322 | Poverty, wealth and inequality | 2 |
OSS 323 | Globalization and social problems | 2 |
OSS 223 b | Field practice II | 1 |
Fees Structure
Table 3a: General Fees for Bachelor Degree Programmes
NO. | Item | Local (Tshs) | EAC/SADC (USD) | NonSADC (USD) |
1 | Registration | 30,000 | 30 | 30 |
2 | Examination fees paid per paper (Test& Exam) | 10,000 | 20 | 40 |
3 | Students organization fees (annually) | 20,000 | 20 | 20 |
4 | Student identity card | 20,000 | 20 | 20 |
5 | Quality assurance fee | 20,000 | 20 | 40 |
Table 3b: Tuition Fees per Unit (or per 10 credits) for Bachelor Degree Programmes
NO | Item | Local (Tshs) | EAC/SADC(USD) | NonSADC (USD) |
1 | Theoretical course by distance mode | 60,000 | 40 | 80 |
2 | Theoretical Course by Face to face | 90,000 | 60 | 120 |
3 | Field Practice | 100,000 | 70 | 140 |
4 | Teaching Pratice | 100,000 | 70 | 140 |
5 | Science Laboratory | 150,000 | 100 | 240 |
6 | Project/dissertation | 100,000 | 70 | 140 |
Students should make sure that they obtain control numbers for payment of all fees and obtain GePG receipts for all payments made from OUT Head Office or in our Regional Centre Offices. A part from total Fees paid to the University, students or their sponsors have to incur the following additional expenses (indicative only):
Name: Dr. Lydia Buyungu
Phone: 0652 551043/068651
Course work accounts for 30% which includes one main timed test (MTT). The Annual Examination accounts for 70%, thus making a total of 100% score.