Bachelor of Arts in Natural Resources and Management (BA NRM)
The Bachelor of Arts in Natural Resources Management (BANRM) is a 36 units programme completed between 3-6 years that seeks to respond to the growing challenges of environmental degradation and food security; effects of habitat fragmentation on wildlife and fisheries; effects of agro-chemicals on ecosystems; environmental consequences of tourism, mining, urbanization; desertification and methods of control; Wildlife/protected area design, planning and management; Water resource protection and management; Human population dynamics and land use changes; Environmental impact assessment and sustainable development. Effects of climate change on productive sectors. The degree programme is designed such that at the end of the first 200 series (LEVEL TWO) students are required to go for field practices for hands-on activities in the area of their specialisation either in Environmental Management, Sanitation, Wildlife, Fisheries, etc. Ultimately the programme is designed to produce competent professionals who can identify, plan and monitor the exploitation of natural resources.
Programme Summary
Programme Informations
Option (I): Direct Entry Scheme (Form VI) Qualifications
- Possession of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) or equivalent, with credit passes in five approved subjects, obtained prior to sitting for the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) or equivalent; and
- He/she has obtained at least two principal level passes in approved subjects – such as Geography, History, Biology, Economics, Agricultural Sciences and Chemistry, in the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE); and
Option (II) Equivalent Qualifications
- Diploma in Natural Resource Management, Wildlife Management, Land Survey, Land and Soil Management, Forest Management and Nature conservation, Tsetse control, Environmental Studies, Environmental Health Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Tourism Management, Heritage Management, Economic Development, Community Economic Development, Community Development, Education, Law, Gender Studies, Diploma in Commonwealth Youth in Development Work, Development studies, Development economics, Environmental Management, Disaster Management, Distance and Open Learning, Information Studies, Economics, Information Studies, Information Management, Development Economics, Land use planning, Geomatics, Rural and Urban Planning and Tourism studies with an average of ‘B’ or GPA of 2.7 with not less than four passes at O’ Level.
- Recognition of Prior Learning certificate (RPL) with average of B+ Grade approved by TCU shall be eligible for BA NRM programme.
- Foundation Programme with at least a GPA of 3.0
It consists of 14 core courses and 4 electives. Each course (core and elective) is 2 units 2 compulsory cross cutting courses on offer (computer and communication skills) @ 1 unit. A student is required to complete 36 units in order to qualify for a BA in Natural Resources Management.This shall be made of all core courses in each level whereby at each level a student shall be required to accomplish a minimum of 12 units. For example in level 1 a student will be required to undertake 8 units from the core courses as indicated in this prospectus and select any 2 elective courses listed here. In level 2 students shall be required to accomplish all 5 core courses which make up 10 units and select a minimum of one course from the elective courses. In level 3 students shall be required to accomplish all the 4 core courses which make 8 units and select a minimum of 2 elective courses.
The fee is paid per course unit. Each unit is TZS 60,000. Note that the fee for a field practice course (i.e.,(ORM 204) is TZS 200,000
Dr Ruth John | Mob:+255756650132 Mail: |
The Bachelor of Arts in Natural Resources Management (BA.NRM) use and development of resources; coupled with practical field experience, knowledge and skills necessary for meeting challenges of sustainable use of natural resources. At the end of the programmes, learners will be expected to have acquired competences in poverty analysis and social development planning. Ultimately the programmes will produce competent professionals who can identify, plan and monitor the exploitation of natural resources.
Assessment Mode
Two modes of assessments:
- Online (MTT), and
- (MTT & AE)
The assessments comprise the Main Timed Test (MTT) which carries 30% and Annual Examination (AE) carries 70%
A pass mark (MTT + AE) is 40% = C