Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration (BAPA)
The programme has been introduced to cater the required competencies and skills to manage both government and private affairs at public and personal levels. It is worth noting that, government structures and systems are undergoing remarkable changes, which requires employees who have been well nurtured and groomed to acquire those attributes of dynamism, innovativeness, creativity and commitment towards services delivery across the country and beyond the region. The fact that Public Administration is taught as part of Political Science programme in other old universities, indicates that the programme has not been well streamlined in the Political Science and Public Administration stream. For that case, this programme will be more focused on Public Administration as a discipline and a profession, and thus enable the trainees to come out well-versed with the methods and approaches in the management of public and governmental affairs.
Programme Summary
Programme Informations
A candidate must possess two principal passes in the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (A.C.S.E.E). Must be a diploma holder with 3.0 GPA (The diploma must be of two-year duration); or an applicant who holds a one-year Foundation course from The Open University of Tanzania.
Level 1
Code Course title
OFC 017 Communication and Study Skills
OCP 100 Introduction to Microcomputer studies and information Technology
OPS 122 Government and Politics in Africa
OEC 134 Social Science Research Methods
OPA 101 Introduction to Public Administration
OPA 102 Organization Theory and Public Bureaucracies
OPA 103 Local Government Administration in Tanzania
OIR 101 Introduction to the Study of Politics
OIR 102 Political Thought
Level 2
Code Course title
OPA 201 Administrative Law
OPA 202 Decision-Making and Public Policy Analysis
OPA 203 Management of Human Resources
OPA 204 Organization Behavior
OIA 200 Field Work/Industrial Attachment
OIR 201 Theories and Issues in International Relations
Level 3
Code Course title
OPA 301 Budgeting and Financial Control in the Public Sector
OPA 302 Leadership and Governance
OPA 303 Industrial Relations
OPA 304 Strategic Management
OPA 305 Comparative Public Administration
OPS 320 Democracy and Human Rights
OIR 302 Contemporary Issues in Global Politics
LOCAL (Tshs)
Registration Fee
Examination Fee paid per paper (Test & Exam)
Student Organization (OUTSO) fee (annually)
Student Identity Card
Verification Fee
Theoretical Course (Blended Mode)
Theoretical Course (Face to Face)
Field Practice
Teaching Practice
Mr. Ahmed Mussa Cellphone – 0714060617
The cadre that will go through the programme is expected to occupy various positions of administrative and managerial nature as supervisory and middle-level managers, either as administrators, personnel officers, human resources officers and several others. This cadre is needed to strengthen the government’s capacity at local and central levels to deliver services to its clients for effective and efficient operations of those offices.
All courses are examined during the academic year in which they are studied. The examinations consist of written Tests, demonstrations, Practical projects and written Annual examinations at the end of each part based on percentage guides. Tests account for 30%, while the written Final examination accounts for 70% of total marks. The pass mark for both continuous assessment and annual examination is 40%. A candidate who fails to attain the pass mark is allowed to write a supplementary examination. A candidate who fails a supplementary examination will be required to repeat the course. Repeating a course means doing the Test and Annual examination.