Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (BAIR)
A complex pattern of interactions and cross-border transactions in the contemporary international system point out a need to develop training curricula that will cater the current and future needs of university students; and build their capacities to cope with, and address the challenges associated with broadly extended international issues. For example, the dramatic change in the modus operandi of the transnational corporations brings about a problem of maneuvering the harmonized rules and principles of equity shares of the gains and losses between partner-states. Therefore, Bachelor of Arts in International Relations degree programme is designed to equip students with modern skills and competencies; and to prepare them to become responsible international citizens who can act firmly and aggressively in the international arena. The programme aims to provide students with a combination of theoretical and practical knowledge; and with the ability to apply the same in various capacities and levels.
Programme Summary
Programme Informations
A candidate must possess two principal passes in the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (A.C.S.E.E). Must be a diploma holder with 3.0 GPA (The diploma must be of two-year duration); or an applicant who holds a one-year Foundation course from The Open University of Tanzania.
Level 1
Code Course title
OCP100 Introduction to Computer
OFC 017 Communication Skills
OIR 101 Introduction to the Study of Politics
OIR 102 Political Thought
OEC 134 Social Science Research Methods
OIR 103 Africa in the Global Context
OIR 104 International Organizations
OPS 122 Government and Politics in Africa
OPA 101 Introduction to Public Administration
Level 2
Code Course title
OIR 201 Theories and Issues in International Relations
OIR 202 International Political Economy
OIR 203 Public International Law
OIA 200 Field Work/Industrial Attachment
OPA 202 Decision Making and Public Policy Analysis
FRA1 or FRA 2 French for Beginners OR Intermediate French
Level 3
Code Course title
OIR 301 Global Governance
OIR 302 Contemporary Issues in Global Politics
OIR 303 Regional Integration
OIR 304 The Political Economy of Conflict Resolution
OPS 320 Democracy and Human Rights
OPA 302 Leadership and Governance
LOCAL (Tshs)
Registration Fee
Examination Fee paid per paper (Test & Exam)
Student Organization (OUTSO) fee (annually)
Student Identity Card
Verification Fee
Theoretical Course (Blended Mode)
Theoretical Course (Face to Face)
Field Practice
Teaching Practice
Mr. Revocatus Bin’Omukama
Cellphone – 0754204500
The programme is structured to produce qualified and practically competent practitioners in the area of International Relations and Diplomacy who can match theory and practice and demonstrate an impact in the management of foreign affairs. Cadres who are sensitive to controversies of cross-border nature and acquired ability to act as a change agents and manipulator of various foreign affairs.
All courses are examined during the academic year in which they are studied. The examinations consist of written Tests, demonstrations, Practical projects and written Annual examinations at the end of each part based on percentage guides. Tests account for 30%, while the written Final examination accounts for 70% of total marks. The pass mark for both continuous assessment and annual examination is 40%. A candidate who fails to attain the pass mark is allowed to write a supplementary examination. A candidate who fails a supplementary examination will be required to repeat the course. Repeating a course means doing the Test and Annual examination.