Master of Law in Information and Communication Technology Law (LL.M ICTL)
The Master of Law in Information and Communication Technology Law (LL.M ICTL) formerly known as Master of Law in Information Technology and Telecommunications (LL.M IT & T) has been on offer at the Open University of Tanzania since 2009, a period of ten years. The programme has never been reviewed for all that period. Besides the fact that the programme review is a requirement that has prompted the present review, the last ten years have also seen new development in information and communication technology. Of particular importance is the rise of social media, cloud computing, Internet of Things as well as big data, all of which have given rise to academic debates as to legal and regulatory issues. In some jurisdictions law reforms have taken place in response to the rise of new technologies. This is also the case at regional and international levels where new conventions have been adopted or the existing ones reviewed. The rise of the new technologies as well as the legal and policy debates have been a catalyst to the review of the master of law programme in order to take into account such development. It is also important to mention that the last ten years have seen new development of e-learning at the Open University of Tanzania. Particularly, the adoption of Moodle as a mode of delivery has made it possible for students to participate in learning at a distance. This is also one of the reasons that have necessitated the present programme review.
Programme Summary
Course Name: Master of Law in Information and Communication Technology Law
Course Initial: M ICTL
Course Duration: 18 Months
Total number of Units: 18
Mode of Delivery
Evening Learning
Intensive face to face lectures and seminars
Online distance learning
Learning through Moodle platform
Programmes Informations
Bachelor degree in Law or related field with an average of “B” or a minimum GPA of 3.0. OR Postgraduate Diploma in Law with an average of “B” or a minimum GPA of 3.0.
OLW651: Information Security Law
OLW652: Electronic Commerce Law
OLW653: Electronic Communications Law
OLW654: Privacy and Data Protection Law
OLW655:Internet Governance
OLW 656: Intellectual Property Law in the Digital Environment
OLW659:Advanced Legal Research Methodology
OLW 677: Dissertation
Mr. Gervas Yeyeye | Email: |
The LL.M ICTL Programme provides opportunities for learners to achieve knowledge, competence and skills to Elucidate and critically assess the challenges posed by ICT to law in the above fields. Interpret and apply legal rules in the above fields. Elucidate and critically assess the regulatory roles played by ICT as such and by various forms of soft law and Undertake independent, limited research under supervision and in compliance with applicable norms for research ethics.
- Seminar presentation and participation
Each student shall prepare and present one main paper with a minimum of 4000 but not exceeding 6000 words
Shall carry a total of 5% and one response paper of approximately 2000 words
Main seminar paper shall carry a total of 30% while response seminar paper shall carry a total of 15%. Participation
(b) Assignments
Each student shall write assignment of approximately 6000 words carrying a total of 50% for every module.