Some of the OUT staff keenly listening to the Vice Chancellor Prof. Elifas Bisanda at a meeting held on 12th April, 2019 at OUT’s Kinondon temporary headquarters in Dar es Salaam.

Some of the OUT staff keenly listening to the Vice Chancellor Prof. Elifas Bisanda at a meeting held on 12th April, 2019 at OUT’s Kinondon temporary headquarters in Dar es Salaam.
Vice Chancellor of the Open University of Tanzania (OUT) Prof. Elifas Bisanda addressing OUT staff members at a meeting held on 12th April, 2019 at OUT’s Kinondon temporary headquarters in Dar es Salaam.
OUT’s academicians listening to theCOSTECHSenior Research Officer Dr. Hamis Kalegele, when facilitating capacity building workshop on how to enable them access credible online scientific information for writing proposals that can win research grants, on 1st April, 2019 at OUT’sKinondoni temporary headquarter.
Vice-Chancellor of the Open University of Botswana (OUB) and Academic Prof. Frank Youngman, speaking to the Open University of Tanzania (OUT) Management, Deans, Directors and Heads of Departments during his visit to the OUT on 18th March, 2019 at the OUT’sKinondonitemporary headquarters in Dar es Salaam.